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- V2.04
- - changed the stack to contain 50 entries. 10 is way too small!
- and corrected the display of the stack length.
- - added display of 40 zones in cqww
- - right-aligned the cqww zone if one digit is entered.
- V2.05
- - Allow CQWW to terminate the line in the zone field.
- - There were two serious bugs in the backup function (of all places!).
- An unterminated comment removed some code and a *pp++ should be *pp;
- It was supposed to remove nulls and early linefeeds from the QSO
- before it was written out but it dodn't do that so that the QSO log
- was seriously corrupted.
- - There is still a bug in all programs because the null and/or early
- linefeeds shouldn't be there anyway.
- - Mods to the prefix structure and getlist so that there are a fields
- containing a count of the number of CQ and ITU zones so that a mod
- can be put into the contest programs to fill in the CQ zone if there's
- only one for the country. Currently it is in CQWW.
- - Fixed a bug in the dupe routine in CQWW. Must not beep() before the
- audio.device is open.
- - Fixed some errors in the long arithmetic required in edit().
- - The SS contest does not need tabs between the exchanges (only after the
- callsign).
- - The dupe process will now consider calls such as ve5va and ve5va/6 as
- equivalent.
- V2.06 7-NOV-92
- - fixed the routine which matches section abbreviations. It appears to
- match all of them correctly now. There was an error in the wildcard
- matching.
- - found out why the log files were getting trashed. The amiga "ed"
- editor removes the blanks from the last line of the file if you
- write it out again. If this file is then reused as the log file, all
- subsequent QSo entries will be in the wrong place.
- - found out why AK was being marked as a QSO even if it hadn't been
- contacted. Was using "secs" as the name for the array. But this is
- also the global name for the number of seconds to be displayed in
- the time!
- - found and removed the code that was blanking out part of the multiplier
- field (e.g. the O in ORG in the SS program). I had code to display
- XX if the band was wrong in score() but this isn't too informative so
- have removed until I come up with better idea.
- - must be careful of strcpy into data[] or logptr since it copies the
- null.
- - add shortcuts to the % commands so that a control key combination can
- be used instead. E.g. %E can be replaced by control-E.
- - add right-amiga-B to make the current screen go to the back.
- - SS now has w-ve.list to allow it to distinguish DX and Canadian/U.S.
- stations.
- - Removed the Disable/Enable around the code transmission and used Timer
- B in 8520 B instead of Timer A.
- - added some code to the joystick port to read the CW being transmitted
- but this info is not used yet.
- - found a bug in the ft767 code. Had char *array[] instead of
- char array[]. Don't know yet if this will make a difference.
- - changed timing routine for morse code transmission. It now figures out
- how many ticks are required for each unit time instead of the number
- of half-milliseconds.
- Need to reset clock after the key has been used.
- - clock is reset every 30 seconds.
- - bug in edit did not reset value of "id" to zero.
- - add scpy to log.c copy string without the null.
- - Bug in ESC code processing fixed (from VE5CB).
- - the redisplay after an Edit was not showing the zones table.
- - all the list files are now in one directory and are accessed using the
- environment variable LOGLIST
- - fixed reporting in carf. Display wasn't correct after the report.
- - fixed bug in ic735 driver. Wasn't setting lastfreq when rig freq was
- changed.
- - remove some extraneous routines from curses (including the scroll).
- - Fixed SS dupe sheet which always had CW on it even for SSB. (Tnx ve5cb)
- - Fixed bug in use of getenv - (tnx ka8cte).
- - Changed cantimer() to Wait(timebit) and WaitIO() after AbortIO().
- - Fixed bugs in ic735 driver. Was using CSTART to test for echo but if
- IC735 sees 3 CSTART in a row it won't answer! Also was setting timer
- before calling rchar() but rchar() sets timer as well!
- - Program now looks for rig driver and if it's not there then it uses
- the default freq and mode. The 'f' command is now only used to
- change the default in the default file. The %F command still changes
- the frequency if the driver is not there.
- - Added a global.defaults file which should be in directory specified
- by the environment variable LOGLIST (where the dxcc etc. lists are).
- Program now reads the global.defaults file and then the local one.
- - Put in correction for DST when calculating UTC.
- - put up warning message on startup if driver not found.
- ==========================================================================
- V2.07 30-nov-92
- - started modifying getlist so that it will append the wae.list to
- dxcc.list and then I won't need a cqww.list. Not finished yet.
- - started modifying the dxcc.list (and cqww.list) to separate out those
- Canadian provinces which are in a CQ zone of their own. Have also
- separated Asian and European Turkey. Corrected HF0POL, it's not
- Antarctica but South Orkney, plus a few other corrections in that
- area. Eventually will also modify the CIS country entries where they
- can be split up like Canadian provinces.
- - have changed the prefix structure so that the callsign field is 12
- chars long instead of 8. This is so it can hold something like
- fr55abc/g (or worse).
- - have edited dxcc.list to bring it up to date
- - fixed bug in dxcc.list which counted 4u#un and 4u#itu as same country
- - modified log.c, getlist.c and created wae.list so that the CQWW contest
- uses the dxcc.list and a wae.list which contains only those countries
- which are NOT in the dxcc.list
- - several mods to getlist.c:
- - The * wildcard matches an alphanumeric string but NOT /
- - If a call contains a / then findcall does an initial search for an
- an exact match of that call. This allows it to find oddball calls
- like DL1KVC/P which is not a European Field Day call but Antarctica!!
- The search for the / must be done after the callsign has been
- processed so that the routine still figures out the prefix.
- - the above two mods now combine to allow the program to correctly
- distinguish between calls like Tromelin (FR*/T) and Glorioso
- (FR*/G) etc. while still handling stuff like kh6cp/1.
- - modify the ft767 driver to try doing a Ham SELect to get the info
- - Checked the dxcc.list against the ARRL list dated MAY 1992 plus added
- mods due to addition of YU4, S5, 9A and P5. Still some work to be done
- with the CIS calls.
- - fixed the qsort in getlist so that it includes all the wildcards.
- - added send and receive AREXX ports. AREXX name is VE5VA_LOGGER.
- Two commands have been added to test sending REXX stuff. The first is
- the @ command
- which sets an AREXX port name (similar to the AREXX ADDRESS command).
- Then the & command will send the string that follows to the currently
- addressed AREXX port. e.g.
- @fancydemo
- &hello there
- sends the string "HELLO THERE" to the program whose AREXX port is
- called "FANCYDEMO" ... note that all characters are translated to
- upper case by the contest programs so you can't talk to any port that
- has lower case letters in its name (yet).
- - fixed bug in log.c, it wasn't allocating enough prefix space for SS.
- - fixed dupecheck in all programs. It wasn't using the input argument.
- All routines must pass a pointer into the in-memory log.
- - Added code for AREXX DX spotting input so that the spots are displayed
- on the screen in lower right corner. The top 5 are displayed. If a new
- one comes in, it is placed at the top and the others are pushed down.
- The display only shows the top 5 but the program actually holds up to
- 50 in memory. The user can at any time choose to hit ^K to delete the
- spot at the top of the list or ^P to push the top spot onto the stack
- and ^G means to go immediately to the top spot's frequency and copy
- its callsign into the call area at the bottom of the screen.
- If an incoming DX spot is a dupe then it is thrown away.
- Should add code to highlight those spots that are also multipliers.
- Also need to have some way of handling the rig's mode which is
- currently left unchanged ... in most contests this won't matter since
- they are usually single mode.
- - Fixed error in log.c. It was calling dupecheck without having the
- callsign in the in-memory log. dupecheck always dupes from the
- in-memory log now.
- - Fixed errors in QRP scoring routine.
- ==========================================================================
- V2.08 30-Dec-92
- - Fixed bug in ^B command which made it backup the file with a name that
- used part of the last QSO entered.
- - Modified QRP and defaults so that the 'q' default specifies either
- the ARCI or MI QRP contest.
- - Fixed bug in stopdriver which didn't DeletePort. Now running ic735 and
- doing a stopdriver does not lose any memory.
- - Fixed bug in the serial drivers for ic735 and ft767. The closeser
- routine must do both FreeMem AFTER both devices are closed.
- Also if a timeout occurs, the checkrig or sendcom routines must not
- do an AbortIO(Ser_Read) ... must let the closeser handle it.
- - Fixed ic735 so that if it is connected to a modem it won't crash.
- (It wasn't looking for a timeout in the getfreq routine).
- 7-Feb-93
- - Changed the file defaults so that the program first checks for the
- existence of the directories /backup and /lists and if they are there
- then they are used. Otherwise it looks for the environment variables
- LOGBACKUP and LOGLIST repectively.
- - Removed a possible bug if the input file is empty.
- 12-feb-93
- - Added ARLX and made it use /AM and /MM properly.
- - fixed ss. It wasn't duping properly.
- 21-feb-93
- - Finally figured out how to do the PTT and morse code output on the
- joystick using WritePotGo. Morse code output is now moved from RS-232
- Pin 20 (DTR) to Pin 9 on the second joystick port. PTT is Pin 5.
- V3.00 21-Feb-93
- ==========================================================================
- - When user types space or tab in the callsign field, the remainder of
- the field must be blanked.
- - temporarily put Forbid/Permit around the code that sends a CW memory
- to prevent other processes from making the code sloppy.
- - Added PTT display. PTT of zero means don't turn on PTT line. Otherwise
- the PTT delay is in units of 10 milliseconds
- - Cyril VE5CB brought his FT767 up from Regina and finally found out how
- to talk to the stupid rig!
- V3.02 6-Mar-93
- ==========================================================================
- - Add a SETBOTH command to the computer interface to speed up access to
- the FT767.
- - Put the cursor at end of callsign when doing a ^G with a DX spot.
- - Had to change the values returned by toasc for the cursor control keys
- so that I could also add cursor up and down change the CW speed by +/-
- 2wpm.
- - Read the default files before reading the list file for the contest.
- This allows the ARLX program to determine whether its dealing with a
- DX or W/VE operator and therefore it can tell whether to read the
- dxcc.list for the W/VE or the states/provinces list for the DX op.
- - changed dupecheck in all programs to forget about trying to resolve
- calls with / in them. Will try to fix it up later.
- - Found out why qrp wasn't sending CW. The morseflag in its default was
- set to zero and the default program was not checking for illegal
- values. Accepted range is now 10 to 50.
- - Need to sort out the partial call stuff.
- V3.03 25-Mar-93
- ==========================================================================
- - Create an IARU program. Still need to solve how to display 90 zones
- plus the HQ stations. Most of scoring done.
- - Added creation of ARRL Suggested File Format to IARU.
- - Changed log.c so that if a dupe occurs the program will still fill in
- all QSO information that it can.
- - Print dupesheets per mode/band for IARU.
- - WPX summary report printed the score per band as a short integer so
- that if it was more than 32767 it printed as a negative number. Print
- it as a long integer.
- - WPX single band entries must be rescored. Prefixes count once no matter
- which band they are worked on. If the op works other bands but only
- enters a single band then some of the prefixes scored on other bands
- would not be counted on the band being entered. So the %R command now
- does a rescore if a single band entry is required.
- It is possible that other contests need this fix too.
- - WPX modified findcall() so that calls which are similar to wu4g/5
- are counted as the prefix wu5 instead of w5.
- - RAC - several mods to make it correspond to the new exchange format.
- Also modified it so that non-Canadian ops can use the program.
- - Add default option F to allow Forbid/Permit around the CW transmission.
- - IARU Fixed up single band reporting in the arrl file output. It was
- only doing all-band.
- - FD Added arrl file output.
- - modified rexx.c so that it now checks for the proper format from a
- cluster spot.
- - modify portic etc. so that it is up to the rig's driver to ignore
- frequencies that it can't handle.
- V3.04 22-jun-93 (sent to Cyril)
- ==========================================================================
- - modified the band table in defaults.c to add some more bands such as
- 2m 70cm etc. Unfortunately, using a signed long for frequencies in
- Hertz has limited me to representing frequencies up to about 2.3Ghz.
- Will have to sort that out one day.
- - also modified the frequency display on the screen so that the frequency
- can be modified with the mouse to frequencies that the current rig
- can't handle. The rig will just ignore them.
- BUT need a way to permit the op to specify that their rig (e.g. 767)
- can handle more than just HF bands ... such as a 2m and/or 6m add-in
- board.
- - FD was not removing known dupes from the dupe list.
- - FD was not reporting a dupe if a station had been worked on a different
- mode on the same band. E.g. If w0zzz was worked on SSB and then on CW
- then further contacts on CW would not be reported as a dupe.
- - FD The VE5US FD logs showed up another bug in the dupecheck()
- routine which caused it to report a dupe when there wasn't one.
- dupecheck was using the rig_mode variable to determine the mode of the
- current QSO. But if the program has just started up and is reading the
- log, there is no valid rig_mode. It should be taken from the log entry
- itself. Turns out that the QSO mode is in the QSO line whether or not
- the program has just started and so it now uses that to determine the
- qso mode.
- - When TAB or space is hit, the routine that skips over fields was
- skipping over all lower case field types. For CQWW the zone field was
- indicated using a 'n'. I have changed this to 'Z' along with the
- editing strings for CQWW and SS.
- - IARU made the zone field 5 chars long so it can hold MRASZ from Hungary
- - dxcc.list for FO (Polynesia) was mapping into France.
- - IARU fix up problems related to having to report a HQ abbrev in the
- Tx field.
- - IARU fixed up the code that aligns the zone number.
- - IARU removed test of rig_mode and changed it to check qsop[20].
- - Removed use of rig_mode in all score() routines.
- - Checked all programs for the use of %11.11s in printf from the log.
- it blew up IARU and will blow up anything else. Fixed FD and ARLX.
- V3.05 18-Jul-1993
- ==========================================================================
- - Modified everything so that the first line of the log is a comment
- currently containing the callsign. Later I may add other stuff that
- can change from one contest to another but which is fixed in any one
- contest.
- - Modified arlx so that it uses fd_exchange and stores this in the log.
- (Primarily so that ARLX can generate an arrl.report).
- - Fixed up some bugs in the contest programs and log.c caused by the
- comment line.
- - Added driver for Kenwood rigs. Should be able to handle most rigs
- from TS-440S and up but only tested so far on a TS-450S.
- - Added an upper and lower frequency limit to the drivers so that they
- can modify those limits if they can detect which rig is being used.
- For example, the TS450S has a range of 30kHz to 40MHz whereas the
- IC-735 has a range of 100kHz to 30MHz.
- - Added a new wildcard '.' to findcall(). It matches the end of the
- callsign string. It is used so that a call such as ka1wif will not
- match ka1!! which must be changed to ka1!!. so that they don't.
- - Changes to ITU zones in dxcc.list as per ARRL DXCC list from server.
- - Changed getlist to print out ccount+1 which is number of countries.
- - IARU and CQWW, added a routine to output a count of zones worked.
- - edit does not rescore if log is changed. rescore() is too slow when
- there's hundreds of QSOs in the log. User can request rescore with
- ^S when they have time.
- - Modify findcall so that it returns an error if the string has one char
- returns -2 to indicate a partial lookup is in order if the string has
- 2 or 3 characters and is not a callsign.
- - Added a partial call lookup. A bit rudimentary at the moment but
- workable.
- - Fix log.c when the log only contains the initial comment.
- - Fix QRP SS and WPX which didn't use the right number of QSOs.
- - Fixed bug in power field. Was not trimming leading blanks and the
- array was only 5 chars .. should be 6. Field itself is 5 wide.
- - A problem with QRP not filling RST fields was due to error in log.c
- which was not skipping full fields properly.
- - Changed getlist so that if a country has more than one ITU or CQ zone
- they are stored in a list so that they can be checked.
- - IARU modified to accept -c flag which makes it check the zone in the
- input log against the dxcc.list and kicks out disagreements. This
- found a bug fixed in the next item ....
- - A call such as f/w7hj was being scored as a U.S. call. findcall() has
- been fixed so that these will find the correct country.
- - ka1!! has been removed from Japan in the dxcc.list.
- - CQWW, ARLX and IARU put ?CTY? instead of ?DUPE if it can't find a
- country in the dxcc.list
- - NAQP - started adding it in.
- - QRP - found a bug in the SPC dupe, made it 4 chars instead of 2 and
- also put this in NAQP.
- Have used a very large CQWW log to do some debugging of CQWW.
- - in dxcc.list moved vp8gav to S.A., fixed (?) 4u1vic in wae.list
- - CQWW puts first 3 letters of country prefix in the multiplier column
- of the log to help identify which country it placed the callsign in.
- - fixed the way findcall handled a call like FO/callsign ... it was
- counting it as France.
- Using a large WPX.
- - findcall was not generating correct prefix for calls like 9a1ed ...
- it generated 9a instead of 9a1.
- - findcall was not putting a null after the portable numeric in a US call
- and so was generating garbage on the end of the prefix.
- - fixed bug in log.c - didn't handle the comment properly and could hang.
- - CQWW moved new_country field over one to left.
- - Partial lookup has been updated and works pretty well now. It uses
- the CW memory area to display up to 20 matches.
- - Have added lots of icons from VE5CJ. Still not completely Workbench
- friendly, but better than it was.
- - Changed log.c so it does an iscall() check before the dupecheck. Saves
- it doing a dupecheck on a partial call.
- - Changed iscall so it will reject calls like nhj7h.
- - Changed findcall so that it returns -1 (instead of 0) on a failed
- iscall().
- - Above changes mean that most programs will reject a bad call now.
- - Fixed bug introduced in morse1(x).c showkeyer(). It wasn't responding
- to mouse clicks because the mode wasn't being tested properly.